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Farming industry one of the deadliest in Illinois

 Posted on February 25, 2014 in Firm News

Many American workers lose their lives each year to industrial hazards of their occupations. Understanding how to implement certain safety practices into everyday routines is essential for staying injury-free while on the job. Farming is one of the biggest industries in Illinois and may be one of the most dangerous as well.

There are many safety precautions to take into account when running a farm, especially when using farm equipment. Farmers have had various experiences while working in the field that have led to numerous injuries and even deaths. In fact, farm accidents claimed the lives of 570 people in 2011, according to the U.S. Department of Labor.

The Illinois Farm Bureau’s program manager urges farmers to educate themselves on the proper use of each piece of equipment before using it. Prevention is key, especially in an industry that reports approximately seven times more work-related injuries than any other industry. Farmers warn others to be sure to tell another person when traveling on a tractor and always wear your seatbelt. Fires and unsecured items are just a few potential dangers farmers face while riding on tractors.

The Prairie Central Cooperative in Pontiac and the Livingston and McLean County Farm Bureaus organized a safety breakfast in Pontiac where all of these issues were discussed. For many, the stories told by farmers were a real eye opener and a great way to educate others. Although some safety measures may be costly, nothing is as precious as your life.

Those who have been injured in a farm accident may have serious medical conditions as a result. Whether your condition is acute or permanent, a reputable personal injury lawyer may be able to help you understand all of your legal options.

Source: Pantagraph, “Farmers share accident stories, safety tips,” Pat Shaver, Feb.17, 2014

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