Bloomington Emergency Room Injury Attorney

Lawyers for Medical Negligence and Patient Injuries in ERs in Springfield, Decatur, and Champaign
When a patient is taken to an emergency room, they will need prompt care and treatment, and in many cases, doctors, nurses, or other staff members may need to act quickly to take life-saving measures or prevent further harm. When personnel in an ER make mistakes, patients can suffer serious injuries. While there are some cases where errors or problems with treatment may be unavoidable, there are many situations in which emergency room injuries are caused by medical malpractice. Following an injury that was caused by emergency room errors, a skilled attorney can help patients or their family members take legal action to receive financial compensation.
At Kanoski Bresney, our personal injury lawyers have helped our clients recover over half a Billion over our firm's 40-year history. Even though cases involving emergency room injuries can be complex, we know the legal issues involved and the steps you can take to increase your chances of success. We will help you gather evidence to show that your injury occurred because of negligence by ER personnel, and we will work to make sure you receive the respect, response, and results you deserve.
Medical Malpractice in Emergency Rooms
An emergency room can be an incredibly busy place, and doctors, nurses, receptionists, or other personnel will need to prioritize patients to ensure that those with serious conditions are treated in time while also providing proper and timely care to everyone who needs it. If patients are not treated with the proper urgency, they can suffer additional injuries or a worsening of their condition. As staff members rush to provide treatment to multiple patients as quickly as possible, they may not fully consider a patient's symptoms or medical history, or necessary diagnostic tests may not be completed. This can result in a delay in diagnosis, and the failure to provide the proper treatment in time can lead to further injuries.
Staffing issues at a hospital or ER may also be a factor in injuries suffered by patients. If the doctors or nurses who provide treatment are inexperienced, they may fail to recognize a patient's symptoms, or they may make mistakes that can cause serious harm. Exhaustion and fatigue can also be a problem for many emergency room personnel, and the likelihood of errors increases when doctors or nurses work long hours. A medical facility may be responsible for injuries that occur because it did not maintain the proper staffing levels to provide the level of treatment needed by patients.
There are a wide variety of other types of errors that can lead to injuries for emergency room patients. A person can contract an infection due to the failure to maintain sanitary conditions. Surgical errors may be made during emergency surgery. Nursing errors, such as the failure to properly monitor a patient's vital signs, can occur due to understaffing or inexperience. Medication errors can occur if drugs are administered at the wrong doses or if a patient suffers an allergic reaction. In many cases, these errors may be considered medical negligence if they were preventable or if medical personnel did not follow the correct standard of care.
Contact a Peoria ER Injury Lawyer
Doctors and nurses in emergency rooms often need to make life-or-death decisions, and when mistakes are made, they can have a life-long impact on a patient and their family. If you have been injured due to medical malpractice at an ER, Kanoski Bresney can work with you to make sure those who were responsible for your injury are held liable for the harm that was done to you. To arrange a free consultation and learn how we can help with your case, contact our office by calling 888-U-COUNT-2 or 888-826-8682. We provide legal help to medical malpractice victims in Champaign County, Peoria, Adams County, Springfield, Quincy, McDonough County, Bloomington, Decatur, Schuyler County, Peoria County, McLean County, Tazewell County, Macomb, Rushville, Macon County, Sangamon County, Champaign, Pekin, and across the state of Illinois.