Bloomington Burn Injury Attorney

Lawyers for Severe Burns in Springfield, Champaign, Decatur, and Peoria
Of the many different types of injuries a person can experience, burns are some of the most painful, and the circumstances surrounding these injuries are often very traumatic. Being caught in a burning building or vehicle is a nightmare scenario, and severe burns can serve as a permanent reminder of this horrifying event. Victims who have experienced burns or other catastrophic injuries should consult with a personal injury lawyer to learn how they can pursue financial compensation for their injuries.
The attorneys of Kanoski Bresney are highly experienced in injury cases, and over our firm's 40-year history, we have successfully represented victims of a wide variety of injuries and recovered a total of over half a Billion through settlements and jury verdicts. We always strive to make sure our clients receive respect, response, and results, and we are ready to stand up to big insurance companies or other large corporations as we fight to hold negligent people or organizations responsible for the harm done to injury victims and their families.
Causes of Burn Injuries
Burn victims often experience a great deal of pain, and the medical treatment for burns can be extensive. Some burns may require skin grafts or other types of surgery, and damage to the underlying muscles and nerves can lead to disability or even amputation of body parts. Burns can also leave permanent scars and cause a person to become disfigured, and a victim can experience serious emotional trauma or post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD). In the worst cases, burn injuries can lead to wrongful death.
There are a variety of situations that can cause a person to experience burn injuries, including:
- Car accidents - Vehicles may catch fire in a collision, including in dangerous situations such as head-on collisions or rollover accidents. Drivers and passengers may also experience burn injuries in truck accidents involving vehicles carrying hazardous materials.
- Defective products - Faulty wiring or other types of defects can cause electrical appliances, tools and equipment, or other products to catch on fire and burn their users or other people nearby. Other types of product defects can also lead to burn injuries, including faulty fire extinguishers, smoke alarms, or sprinkler systems.
- Dangerous premises - A property owner may be responsible for fires that lead to burn injuries for customers or other visitors, including people on college campuses, patrons of bars and restaurants, or shoppers at malls and stores. These fires may occur because of faulty wiring or other failures to follow building codes, or people may be injured if they were unable to get to safety through an emergency exit.
- Workplace accidents - In addition to experiencing injuries in fires at factories, warehouses, construction sites, or office buildings, workers may also suffer chemical burns due to hazardous materials being used in their workplace. Workers on farms may also suffer burn injuries in grain bin explosions or other types of farm accidents.
Contact Our McLean County Burn Injury Lawyers
If you have suffered burn injuries due to the negligence of a driver, homeowner, employer, or product manufacturer, you deserve to receive financial compensation. You may be repaid for the costs of medical treatment, loss of income, disabilities that have affected your ability to work, the physical pain you have experienced, and your ongoing emotional trauma. To learn more about your options, contact Kanoski Bresney by calling 888-U-COUNT-2 or 888-826-8682 to schedule a free consultation. We work with victims of burns and other severe injuries across Illinois, including Peoria County, Springfield, Quincy, McLean County, Macon County, Rushville, Tazewell County, Adams County, Macomb, Pekin, Bloomington, Sangamon County, Decatur, Champaign, McDonough County, Peoria, Schuyler County, and Champaign County.