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How safe are distractions for teen drivers?

 Posted on September 28, 2018 in Firm News

Driving is a rite of passage for many teens in the Springfield area and across the nation. It is also a leading cause of accidental injuries and death for that age group. Their lack of experience is not the only reason for teenage car accidents. Some teens believe that they can operate their vehicles safely while being distracted by their phones, passenger conversations and more.

Most car accidents occur due to bad maneuvers and driving mistakes. Mistakes happen for a variety of reasons, but mostly because of “driver inattention, internal and external distractions, and inadequate surveillance,” states the Behavioral Scientist. Here are some key pointers to consider on teen car accidents and distractions:

Time is not on their side

All it takes is a few seconds for road conditions to change and motor vehicle collisions to occur. Teenagers do not have much practical driving experience. They have not been exposed to the many different hazards and situations that they might encounter that require them to make instant decisions and maneuvers. They also do not have enough time to recognize and react before impact.

Other motorists drive with distractions, too

It is a common misconception that car accidents only happen when someone ignores a traffic rule like speeding and following too closely behind other vehicles or being intoxicated. What many adolescent drivers fail to realize is that they are not the only ones operating their cars while distracted. Many experienced motorists also drive while distracted. While such motorists have more experience in managing different driving situations, they also fall prey to the dangers of distracted driving.

As a parent of a teen, you may not realize how dangerous it is for them to drive with teen passengers. Besides instructing them to put their cell phones on silent and in the back seat or glove box, you may want to stress the importance of keeping their eyes and focus on the roads and driving at all times and to avoid multitasking while behind the wheel. Their lives and those of their passengers and other motorists depend on their ability to stay focused.

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