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Who Pays for My Third-Party Workplace Injuries?

 Posted on February 28, 2025 in Personal Injury

Barrington, IL personal injury lawyerWhen you are injured at work, your accident can happen for various reasons. Sometimes, third parties are responsible for causing them. When you have evidence proving that a third party is at fault for your injuries, you may have grounds to file a personal injury claim. This kind of claim could provide compensation for a wider spectrum of losses than workers’ comp covers.

If you believe a third party caused your workplace accident, call our skilled Bloomington, IL personal injury attorney. We can assess your case and help you explore your legal options. Because we also handle workers’ compensation cases, one lawyer can seamlessly process both of your cases to maximize your compensation.

What Are Third-Party Workplace Injuries?

Third-party workplace injuries are those caused by anyone other than your employer. For example, third-party liability may apply if:

  • You are injured in a car accident while driving on the clock. This could apply if driving is your primary duty or if your boss sends you on an errand during your shift.

  • A delivery person comes into your workplace and causes an accident that injures you.

  • You sustain injuries caused by a property owner or another work crew when you are working at a construction site.

  • Faulty scaffolding provided and set up by another company causes you to fall.

  • The excavation trench you were working in was not shored up properly, collapsing and injuring you.

  • Defective equipment caused your injuries, which could give grounds for a product liability claim.

To file a personal injury claim, you will need to prove that someone else caused your accident through negligence. Your attorney’s investigation should reveal the identity of the at-fault party, and that is who should pay your personal injury damages.

What Is Negligence?

Most personal injury cases are based on negligence, which is carelessness that disregards the safety of others. For instance, speeding and driving under the influence are negligent driving behaviors. Drivers should realize that the chances of causing a collision increase with those behaviors, and choosing to do them anyway is negligent.

To prove negligence, you need evidence showing that the party who caused your injury owed you a duty of care, that duty of care was not upheld, you were injured as a direct result, and you suffered various damages. Your attorney’s investigation should uncover evidence to support your negligence claim.

What Damages Might Be Available in Third-Party Workplace Injury Claims?

Each person’s damages are different. Economic damages reimburse you for the expenses associated with your accident and injuries, like medical bills and lost wages. Unlike workers’ comp that pays only a part of your lost income, you could collect all of it through a personal injury claim.

Your injuries have probably also taken a toll on your quality of life. Workers’ comp does not provide benefits for these intangible losses, but a personal injury claim could. You may qualify to pursue compensation for things like lost enjoyment of life, mental anguish, and pain and suffering.

If you are eligible to file a third-party personal injury claim, the compensation you receive could be substantial. However, you will need an experienced attorney to help you get the highest amount possible.

Contact Our Competent Springfield, IL Workplace Injuries Attorney

If a third party injures you at work, our dedicated Champaign, IL personal injury lawyer from Kanoski Bresney will fight on your behalf to hold the at-fault party accountable. We can also handle your workers’ comp case simultaneously. We have decades of experience and are dedicated to representing you successfully. Contact us online to schedule your free case evaluation or call 888-826-8682 today.

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